Linzer Torte

I’ve always been a bit intimidated by the Linzer Torte – it seemed like a dessert only experienced bakers could conquer. After a friend encouraged me, I discovered that with a reliable recipe, this classic pastry is surprisingly approachable. This gluten-free version turned out incredibly delicious, and I’m excited to guide you through the journey.

For the shortcrust pastry:

  • 1 3/4 cups gluten-free flour (here: Schär Mehl Mix C for cakes & biscuits)
  • 1/2 cup ground almonds
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 egg + 1 egg white
  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter (cold)


  • Redcurrant jelly
  • Icing sugar


  1. Put the flour, almonds, and salt in a bowl and mix all the ingredients well. Use a spoon to form a well in the middle and add the sugar. Beat the egg and add the scraped vanilla bean. Cut the butter into small pieces and distribute around the outside. Knead the dough from the outside in and let it rest in floured cling film for a good hour in the fridge.
  2. Flour the work surface and roll out 2/3 of the dough on a piece of baking paper. Carefully pull the baking paper onto a baking tray and prick the dough several times with a fork. Bake for about 15 minutes in the lower third of the oven at 350°F. As soon as the dough comes out of the oven, brush it with the remaining egg white. Heat the redcurrant jelly and spread it on the dough.
  3. Roll out the remaining dough thinly, cut into strips about 1/2 inch wide, and place diagonally on the baking tray with a gap of about 1/2 inch. Bake on the middle shelf for about 20 minutes. Let cool completely and cut into strips. Sprinkle with icing sugar.
